Social Strengthening

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Consolidate Social Cohesion and promote the Training and Training of members and partners of COOPARM that allows them to get involved and commit themselves in the framework of the principles of cooperativism.


  • Coordinate in the field and supervise the internal inspection 2017.

  • Organize the distribution of school supplies to sons and daughters of partners.

  • Carry out at least three Social Strengthening meetings at each base.

  • Manage projects to implement school dryers, fertilizer programs, soil analysis and wet-profit plants to improve cup quality, as well as to finance training plans for members and managers.

  • Manage resources (through support projects or agreements) to implement a fertilizer store and a tool store that allows coffee growers a significant decrease in the cost of production.

  • Coordinate with the Education Committee the elaboration and distribution to the partners of informative leaflets on Cooperativism, Fair Trade and Organic production standards.

  • Coordinate with the Women's Committee to carry out a training campaign on first aid in each of the COOPARM bases.